Shivery Shakes 10:30p  •  Go Fever 9p
at The ABGB
Saturday, January 14
Show 9:00PM

Shivery Shakes

It’s like Buddy Holly and Ronnie Spector went at it and popped out four handsome young men. We play songs at the beach bar on Saturn… Popsicle rock, blah blah pop

Go Fever

GO FEVER is an Austin-based band fronted by Australian songwriter Acey Monaro and starring local heroez Benjamin Burdick, Keith Lough, Josh Merry and Jim Campo.

“Their self-titled album built around Aussie ex-pat Acey Monaro’s solid songwriting was one of 2017 strongest debuts.” – Austin-American Statesman

“GO FEVER evoke the qualities of established, beloved bands without ever sounding hackneyed… like the middle ground between Courtney Barnett and the newest Tennis album.” – WHWS