The Hell Yes Project with We Are Blood
The “South Austin Love” Drive
A Blood Drive to Show Love For Your Neighbors
Feb. 27 – March 6
When you give blood or platelets, you are potentially helping your neighbors all across Central Texas.
You are also potentially helping your neighbor around the corner, one of your kid’s schoolmates, the guy you see riding his bike down your street all the time, and any happy face you see in South Austin.
Your donation could be a precious gift to them. Your donation at We Are Blood’s Slaughter location is you making your community better.
And that’s the whole idea behind the Hell Yes Project: to make our community better. To help get you out to donate, we’d like to offer everyone that supports this blood/love drive with a “Slice Of Love” card from The ABGB. It earns you a hookup of a slice of pizza at the ABGB, and it also earns you a whole lot of good karma. Please say “Hell Yes” to helping out your neighbors, and give locally!
Here’s the link to get your donation time: