1305 W. Oltorf
Austin, TX 78704

Show 12:30PM
Saturday afternoon, August 20th! We want you here in the brewery with us. Our brewer will be here with you, taking you through our process and philosophy.
The tour will nicely coincide with the release of bottle-conditioned Figgie Smalls, an American Sour that part of our You’ll See, Baby series of sour beers. So, come for the tour…. and you can leave with not only some knowledge, but a bottle or two of beer that we’re really proud to share with you.
The tour starts at 12:30. You’ll find out: What kind of music helps brew a better lager? What’s their favorite beer to make? Why doesn’t the ABGB brew wheat beers? How do you finish this phrase: “Clean or ____ “? These, and many more burning questions may be answered when you come backstage and hang out with us on a Saturday afternoon.
Your ticket reservation to the tour costs you $6. But when you come for your tour, we’ll give you a beer (and it’s best to tour the brewery with a beer in hand), so it’s practically free. And if your prefer not to have a beer, your $6 can be applied towards an ABGB t-shirt.
The tour is limited to just 25 people (21 and over, please). If the tour has not sold out, we’ll begin taking reservations at the bar at opening on Saturday.
Tickets avail at the link. We will not mail hard tickets. Your name will be put on the tour list. Claim your spot!