The Sunday Best: end your week the way it’s supposed to end…
Hang out under the trees.
Drink some beer that’s made here.
Hug your friends.
Enjoy some good food.
Swing your partners.
That’s the Sunday Best.
Audrey Malone
I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana and grew up on the North Shore in a town called Mandeville. Life in New Orleans’ melting pot of music has tremendously influenced me with it’s deep music heritage that I experienced from an early age that you could find in places like Tipitinas, Ruby’s Roadhouse, Preservation Hall, the Blue Room, Dew Drop In and from artist like The Neville Brothers, Louis Armstrong, Pete Fountain, The Producers, Banu Gibson, Fats Domino, New Orleans Symphony, marching bands & street musicians. Deep delta blues, jazz, Cajun, zydeco, rock, latin and classical. There was music everywhere. Both of my parents are musicians, dancers, educators and healers. My mother plays piano, banjo and sings. My father plays piano, guitar, saxophone, clarinet and sings. Home exposure was to Square dancing, Ballroom dancing, Big band, Country music, Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman & Johnny Cash. Go figure.
I am currently working as Audrey Malone, Juke Joint Prophets & Earl Poole-Ball & Honky Tonk Revival.