Hell Yes Project: AIDS Walk Austin
at @ Republic Square
Saturday, September 21
Show 11:00AM

Hell Yes! These boots are made for walkin’ and that’s just what they’ll do in the 32nd Annual Austin Aids Walk. ABGB is proud to be participating in the walk again this year and we want YOU to join our team and/or donate to the cause! Our goal is to raise $7,500…. and we can do it with your help!!!

By walking together on Saturday, September 21, we are giving back to our community, helping AIDS Services of Austin to raise funds for the fight against HIV/AIDS and reduce the stigma of this tragic disease for which there still is no cure. Let’s show the world that beer makes it better and coming together we can make a difference!

Hell Yes People, Hell Yes!
And check THIS out…By joining our team and raising money you will receive an exclusive Hell Yes Project Volunteer t-shirt!

Lace up your walking shoes and join The Hell Yes Project for the 32nd annual AIDS Walk Austin on Saturday, September 21st at Republic Square!

Did you hear? Big Freedia is going be there! Come bounce with us and her!

Our team is here:
Go there! Join us! Or donate to us!

Saturday, September 21st at Republic Square
9:00 am: Registration Opens
9:00 am: Zumba in the park
9:00 am- Noon: Live music and fun in the park!
Noon: Walk kicks off
1:00 pm: Walk returns

You have the power to heighten awareness, reduce stigma, and raise funds for care services and prevention education in Central Texas.

AWA is a community-wide awareness and fundraising event benefiting 10 local organizations. And everyone is welcome to join- even our four-legged dog friends!

Here’s the official timeline! We’ll be gathering our group at 11a!

9:00 am: Registration Opens
9:00 am: Zumba in the park
9:00 am- Noon: Live music and fun in the park!
Noon: Walk kicks off
1:00 pm: Walk returns